Thermocuff Airflow Convection Technology
ThermoCuffs patented technology uses air instead of water which allows the use of disposable cuffs by clinics, hospitals and athletic training facilities. The extruded netting functions as a "Chinese finger trap" method of sealing around anatomy. Sensors provide real time feedback for temperature control. The nozzle can be adjusted like a water hose to focus airflow on a single point to treat tendinitis (eg. runners knee) or adjusted to disperse airflow for joint effusion.

ThermoCuff performed 2.5x better
when compared to leading water circulating systems


Considered the Therapeutic airfryer
ThermoCuff introduces or removes heat instead of direct contact by hot/cold packs or leading water circulation systems.
Cold pack therapy produces significant temperature falls in cutaneous and subcutaneous superficial tissues without directly changing the temperature of tissues at or more than 2.0 cm below the skin